We're going to take Fizzy Bath Bombs to the next level right now!
We're going to take Fizzy Bath Bombs to the next level right now!
Bath Bomb recipes and ideas that you can create at home and they are just amazing!
Bath Bomb recipes and ideas that you can create at home and they are just amazing!
Preparation of Bath Bombs
Let's grab our ingredients shall we?
here they are:
-1 Full Cup Baking Soda
-1/2 Cup Citric Acid
-1/2 Cup Epsom Salts
-1 tsp Water
-2 tsp Essential Oils
-3 tsps Olive Oil
-Fun Food Coloring
-a big Mixing bowl
-a fun mold to form the Bath Bomb
When done completing these steps put your mixture in the Freezer for one hour!
Making a beautiful Mermaid Bath Bomb
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These make such a beautiful color in the water I love it.
Galaxy Bath Bombs!
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This bath bomb recipe is probably the one I am most excited about.
For you Pokemon Goers this ones for you!
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It's a Pokeball Bath Bomb I usually gravitate towards cool ones like these
Sailor Moon Bath Bomb Diy
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so so cool you have to check this out
Dragon Ball Z Bath Bombs
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