What Doctor Who Character Are You?
What Doctor Who Character Are You?
Ever wonder which character from Doctor Who you are? Find out with this quick quiz!
Ever wonder which character from Doctor Who you are? Find out with this quick quiz!

When faced with a dangerous situation, you...
People would describe you as...
What are you most afraid of?
Your friend is about to go on a dangerous journey alone. You...
The world is in danger of being enslaved by a hostile alien race and you have been given the Osterhagen Key. Will you use it?
What do you hate most?
The Doctor
The Doctor
Fantastic! Or was it allons-y? Maybe geronimo? Depends on who you ask. You are incredibly smart and a quick thinker. You are extremely kind as well, but nobody wants to be on your bad side. You are very loyal to your friends and will defend them until the end of time. You care deeply for the safety of those around you and feel personally responsible if something bad happens to them. Although you are generally kind to those you don't care for, you aren't afraid to keep them in check. You are the obvious leader of any group and if someone questions your authority, you are quick to explain why you are the best and only option to lead the group.
Rose Tyler
Rose Tyler
You are Rose Tyler! You are incredibly loving to those around you and you're immensely loyal. However, you can sometimes let your emotions get the better of you. In any situation, you are able to remain calm and listen to any directions you are given. You can't bear to think what life would be like without those you love.
Martha Jones
Martha Jones
You got Martha! Although sometimes you might panic in a situation, you always make it through with the help of your friends. People might misjudge you for this, but you may be able to surprise them with your ability to think on your feet. You are quick to give your heart to someone, but fear they won't return your feelings.
Donna Noble
Donna Noble
You are Donna Noble! You are confident and sarcastic all at once which is great, but your sarcasm can get you into a bit of trouble sometimes. Although you (mostly) follow directions, you constantly question why you must do this and why you have to do that. You definitely follow your friends into any situation, no matter how dangerous. They might see this as stubbornness, but it is really your way of showing that you care about them.
Amy Pond
Amy Pond
You got Amelia Pond! You tend to be calm in high-stress situations and do anything to help the situation. You are incredibly loyal to those close to you, but you can be a bit stubborn about getting your way. You don't like being away from your friends or family for too long which makes moving cities (or back in time) very difficult.
River Song
River Song
Hello Sweetie. You are most like River Song! Most of the time you are the leader and come up with the plans, but you have no problem taking orders (as long as the other person knows what they're doing). You are extremely confident and smart, but you can be stubborn at times, especially when you know what you want to do but are told that you can't. The idea that someone you love might forget you or leave you terrifies you more than anything in the universe.
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
You are most like Clara (Oswin) Oswald! You have no problem following orders and you're cool as a cucumber in all situations. You are the most confident out of all your friends, but don't let success get to your head. Just because you succeeded once doesn't mean you always will. When you find your true love you hold on tight, but believe that this kind of thing only happens once.