What Taylor Swift Album Are You?

Smiley Kitten
Created by Smiley Kitten(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 21, 2018
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You see your best friend being bullied. What do you do?

Pick an aesthetic.

Pick an underrated Taylor Swift song.

Pick an ice cream flavor.

How would your friends describe you?

What's your greatest strength?

What's your favorite school subject?

What do you order off the kids' menu?

Taylor Swift(debut album)

Taylor Swift(debut album)

Your soul is young, even if your body isn't. You're known as pure and innocent but have an angry side, as well. You're a great friend to everyone who's good to you.



You are, as the album's name implies, fearless. You're in your comfort zone and don't intend to leave for a while. You don't get that angry very often. You're a perfect mix of mature and young.

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You say whatever is on your mind, if not always when you need to say it. You're extremely independent and like to do things on your own. Your emotions can go from extremely excited to terribly sad in just a few minutes.



You're extremely popular, yet still humble. You're leaving your comfort zone gradually. You act happy, but you may have something sad going on that only a few people notice. You're letting go of certain things, whether it's the past or a love that just wasn't working out.



You're daring and you won't take no for an answer. You're sort of political, but not extremely so. You recognize how other people see you and poke fun at that. You have let go of the past, and you want to distance yourself from it.



You act like you don't give a crap, and in some cases, that's true. You're determined to show your enemies what's up and you won't rest until you do so. You like to experiment but ultimately go back to what you're comfortable with. Underneath your angry mask, you're actually super sweet and care deeply about many things.

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On Nov 18, 2021