Are These Moons Bigger Or Smaller Than Our Own Moon?
Are These Moons Bigger Or Smaller Than Our Own Moon?
Put your knowledge of the solar system to the test. Our moon has a mean radius of 1,079.6 miles, so are these contenders bigger or smaller?
Put your knowledge of the solar system to the test. Our moon has a mean radius of 1,079.6 miles, so are these contenders bigger or smaller?

Kerberos, one of the five moons of dwarf planet Pluto.
Jupiter's volcanic moon, Lo, seen here next to to the gas giant planet, in a montage image.
Charon, the biggest moon of dwarf planet Pluto?
Saturn has more than 50 moons including this one, Enceladus.
Titan has a big name but does the moon of Saturn really live up to it?
Here's the moon Ganymede poking out from behind Jupiter, now about its size?
Titania, one of the moons of Uranus, is named after the Queen in Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream.
Triton has the coldest surface known anywhere in the solar system but how does this moon of Neptune compare with our Moon for size?