How Well Do You Know The Value Of Each Scrabble Letter?

Can you work out what these brand names would be worth if they were used in a game of scrabble? No bonus points apply.

PA Media
Created by PA Media (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Feb 21, 2016
1 / 12

JD scores you?

2 / 12

High street giant Boots would pick up how many points?

3 / 12

Love it or hate it, but 7-lettered Marmite would score you?

4 / 12

McDonald's would get you?

5 / 12

Far more than just 3 points for these former Arsenal sponsors?

6 / 12

Thomson would net you?

7 / 12

Would Quorn score you a meaty total?

8 / 12

This tech-brand would get you?

9 / 12

How many points would this Italian restaurant chain serve you?

10 / 12

This supermarket giant would bag you?

11 / 12

This US tech firm would score you?

12 / 12

And finally... Kan-ye guess what 'Yeezy' would score?

Questions left
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