In Which Film Did These Sean Bean Deaths Occur?
In Which Film Did These Sean Bean Deaths Occur?
(Although if you see Sean Bean walk on screen in just about anything, you can pretty much guarantee he'll be dead by the credits.)
(Although if you see Sean Bean walk on screen in just about anything, you can pretty much guarantee he'll be dead by the credits.)

Recognise this execution scene? One of the many times Sean has met his maker whilst sporting period costume.
There he was again, armour on, ready to die horribly - but this time the history was real. In which TV series did Sean find himself strung up to die for three days?
During which film was Sean famously dropped out of a helicopter by Pierce Brosnan?
In which Tom Clancy adaptation was Sean impaled on an anchor by Harrison Ford, then blown up on a boat (just to make sure)?
Sean's first on-screen death occurred in 1986 (throat slit by his lover in Renaissance Italy, if you were wondering). What was the film?
In which film was Sean blasted by his on-screen friend Christian Bale, with only a volume of Yeats's poetry for protection?
In which 2001 thriller was thief Sean buried alive after persecuting psychiatrist Michael Douglas?
As far as we're aware, Sean's only been stampeded off an Irish cliff by cows and sheep in one film. Do you remember its name?
Against all sensible advice Sean signed on for another period piece in 2010. This time he was torn apart by two horses. And the film was...?
Which 2007 remake of an '80s classic saw Sean get his brains blown out by Sophia Bush against a beautifully sunlit backdrop?
And finally, we all recognise this orc-induced death from the Lord of the Rings franchise - but in which installment did it feature?