What's your ideal name for Henman Hill?
What's your ideal name for Henman Hill?
You've heard of Henman Hill and Murray Mound - but what name for Wimbledon's famous grass slope best suits you?
You've heard of Henman Hill and Murray Mound - but what name for Wimbledon's famous grass slope best suits you?
Who is your favourite retro player?
What's your favourite Wimbledon treat?
For which European country do you hold an affinity?
The best attribute in tennis is...
Most effective style of play is...
The best Grand Slam is...
Other than tennis, the best sport is...
Best Wimbledon celebrity guest has got to be...
Favourite stroke is...
Pick a hill...
Djokovic Dune
Djokovic Dune
Speed, precision, power: Djokovic has it all.
Federer Fell
Federer Fell
The king, the legend: why would you call Federer Fell by any other name?
Konta Climb
Konta Climb
A British climb indeed: a patriotic result.
Tsonga Summit
Tsonga Summit
The all-court player's mastery oozes grace and sophistication, even from these heights.
Kerber Cliff
Kerber Cliff
It's a long way to the top if you want to be as good as Angelique Kerber - best get climbing.
Halep Heap
Halep Heap
Simona Halep can switch between aggressive baseline, to counter-punch play with ease: a tough opponent for anyone.