Which famous sitcom mum are you?

It's Mother's Day and more important than ever to get to the bottom of this question...

PA Media
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On Mar 24, 2017

Your best friend has just been dumped, what do you do?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

What would you rather spend your money on?

How would you describe your parenting style?

Do you have, or see yourself having, a big family?

How do you deal with stress?

Do you find it difficult to show your true feelings?

Your child breaks a neighbour's window - what do you do?

Would you say being a mum comes naturally to you?

How old is too old for your child to still be living at home?

Marge Simpson

Marge Simpson

This lovable animated mum from The Simpsons is your spirit animal. This means you're kind and inoffensive with good ideas - but you often lack the confidence to show the world how great you are.

Judy Geller

Judy Geller

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but just the Monica and Ross's mum on Friends, you're a harsh critic and quite an icy character. It takes a while for people to warm to you.

Vivian Banks

Vivian Banks

This fictional mum from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is strong, sassy and a brilliant dancer...just like you!

Frankie Heck

Frankie Heck

This mum from The Middle is just like you. You don't deal with stress very well and you're very much a "glass is half empty" kind of person.

Sandra Green

Sandra Green

Rachel Green's mum from Friends, if you can't quite place her face. If we're being honest, being a mother probably isn't your biggest strength as you've lived most of your life having wished you could've been more independent.

Rachel Green

Rachel Green

You're young and fresh on to the scene of motherhood. You might not be the most natural of mums, but you try your best and that's the most important thing.

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