Which 'Psych' Character Are You Really?

Find out which character from the best show ever made you are.

Created by Arrowflashsupergirlcw (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 15, 2018
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Which of these characters do you hate the most?

Which of these was the saddest moment for you?

Which one is your favorite ship?

Which one would you want to be your best friend?

You're looking for a best friend. Which of these is the most important quality?

Which is your most dominant personality trait?

Favorite Character

Shawn Spencer

Shawn Spencer

The only thing better than your hair is your acute observation skills. Well, you're pretty funny too. You're smart and think things through, but like to convey a childish side of you with jokes and immaturity. Still, those who know you love you and you're always a step ahead of your enemies.

Burton Guster (Gus)

Burton Guster (Gus)

You're a loyal friend who would do anything for your best friend. You truly appreciate the people that mean the most to you. You usually get afraid and run from fear, but are usually brave when reminded what's happening. You give good advice and always look out for those around you.

Carlton Lassiter

Carlton Lassiter

You're serious and you always mean business. You assert your dominance once you walk into the room and you expect everyone to know that you're superior to them and you are. Your only soft spot comes to Jules, who is the only person that can make a best friend out of you with patience. You're the single most awesome person ever. NEVER TAKE THOSE SUNGLASSES OFF!

Juliet O'Hara

Juliet O'Hara

You're always sweet and kind. Everyone loves you, because of your friendly personality. You tend to be more patient with people like Lassiter and it pays off for the both of you. You tend to joke around a bit, but when you have to get serious you become serious and do whatever needs to be done.

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