The Animal Of Your Soul
The Animal Of Your Soul
Find out what your inner beast is
Find out what your inner beast is
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It symbolizes family cohesion pack and communion with nature and according beast that kills lambs. Those who choose him as his personal pet, I generally appreciate the family, even though this may not be the family in the traditional sense of the word, loyalty and faithfulness. Wolf symbolism carries with it a certain fascination with spiritual questions and mystery, but do not imagine impractical dreamer. , The Wolf 'people can fight for its goals with an emphasis predators with the skill of those who know that the cooperation of the pack is essential for success.
It is considered a sacred animal sun royal, majestic, but also animal loving comfort and success. It's not strenuous dělníček, in case of failure to lose interest and enthusiasm, carambola tolerate only with difficulty. , Lion 'people are generous, kind and cheerful, if successful, wounds and from life but their halo sometimes mustache. Large, powerful, but still cats, one might say. If your personal pet lion, definitely try to work on empathy and patience.
They were worshiped long before Harry Potter provoked hysteria around the owl pets. Although it is a traditional symbol of wisdom, in fact, the owl is not too bright. He has under the patronage of mysterious forces, and night owl in principle no place for frivolity, superficiality and frivolous entertainment. That's all fine, but it is also important not to biscuit, sweet owls.
He is a personal pet elect more men, women, mostly those who do directly determines their physical mailbox. It's a beast strong, powerful, and lack of facial mimicry among the bears in addition causes people to act kindly, affably. The main principle is to bear physical strength and resulting majesty. Silent and emphatic, such are, disservice 'people. Their strength, however, is also its weakness at the same time, very difficult to make clear emotions and often suffer from a lack of understanding.
Deer, doe
Deer, doe
He is the king of the forest with his crown of antlers and doe again, the epitome of glamour and parent of love. Deer principle is kindness, innocence and gentleness. Jelena chooses people professing traditional values and looking for a peaceful life, but sometimes you need to learn from the fox in order to maintain a peaceful life.
It is the most powerful of birds and those who elect him, usually only admire the strength of its wings, but also the dignity and spiritual enlightenment, which symbolizes. , Eagle 'people are trying to achieve on its way high goals clearest possible way, high values of morality and honor, they may be absent self.
Your strongest feature is the ability to concentrate and force with which you achieve your goals. Once her mind on something, do not stop it until it's done. Everything else then relegate them aside until you have completed what you are currently burning.
The mistakes of others you are generous. You do not have to forgive the problem, but in reality will never forget and you are alert. Family is very important to you and are happy with it spend all their free time. Even if you love your friends, you go on holiday with their loved ones instead.
It is an incredibly popular animal. For Cech has, admittedly, a different connotation than the Chinese, a certain sexiness and smarts but she attributed everywhere. The fox is communicative and cheerful urchin who always gets away unharmed. , Fox 'people are cheerful, popular and attractive to look frivolous smíšci, but who are able to track their targets very pragmatically. The danger that threatens them, is obvious. Sometimes it may be in his lighthearted view of the world recalculate.