Which Character From "Goblin" Are You?
Which Character From "Goblin" Are You?
Are you the goblin? Grim reaper? Goblin's bride?
Are you the goblin? Grim reaper? Goblin's bride?

Pick your favorite color.
If you had to act in a drama, which role would you pick?
Which male actor would you want to be BFF's with?
Which female actor would you want to be BFF's with?
You lock eyes with someone you find REALLY attractive. What do you do?
What is your favorite pizza topping?
What is your favorite Gong Yoo movie/drama?
What would you like to get as a Christmas present?
What was your favorite drama of 2016?
What is your idea of a perfect date?
You got Kim Shin (Gong Yoo)!
You got Kim Shin (Gong Yoo)!
You’re clearly misunderstood. People often get a bad first impression of you, but once they get to know you, it’s obvious that you’re warm-hearted and just so lovable. You like to help people and can be quite protective of those you're close to. You have no problems putting people in their place if they are mean to those you love. People can depend on you to have their backs at any cost!
You got Grim Reaper (Lee Dong Wook)!
You got Grim Reaper (Lee Dong Wook)!
Sure you can be cold-hearted and ruthless, but what people don’t know is that you’ve got an awesome sense of humor. Although you are pretty introverted and prefer to be alone, people are naturally drawn to your wit and sarcasm, so it's hard for you to be alone! You may seem pretty apathetic toward other people’s feelings, but you’re loyal and just such a cool person to be friends with.
You got Ji Eun Tak (Kim Go Eun)!
You got Ji Eun Tak (Kim Go Eun)!
Your childish, but charming antics are so endearing to those around you. You have a smile that lights up a room and an infectious energy that is unforgettable to those you cross paths with. You’re a positive person and despite what challenges life throws at you, you’re always willing to get through it with a smile. You’re a joy to have around, which is probably why people are addicted to your personality!
You got Kim Sunny (Yoo In Na)!
You got Kim Sunny (Yoo In Na)!
You’re the queen of dry humor, but you’re oh so cool. There aren't too many things that bother you in life as you really don’t like to stress over anything. Although you can come off as not caring about others, it’s hard for you to turn your back on people when they need help. You’re also pretty sensitive when it comes to matters of the heart and you’re a total romantic — you probably even believe in love at first sight!
You got Yoo Duk Hwa (Yook Sung Jae)!
You got Yoo Duk Hwa (Yook Sung Jae)!
You can sometimes be full of yourself, but it’s all in good humor. You like to have a good time and can lighten up any serious mood. People can count on you to be there for them during the hard times and you can make them smile and laugh in the process — who wouldn’t love you?! You can seem a bit selfish and greedy at times, but deep down, you’re willing to put those feelings aside for those you love.
You got the Goddess of Birth (Lee El)!
You got the Goddess of Birth (Lee El)!
Wise beyond your years and intuitive, people often go to you with their problems. You like to give advice and help people to see the bigger picture. People can find you a bit mysterious and intense (maybe a bit weird at times), but you're trustworthy. You know way more than you let people on! You have a maternal instinct that is very responsible.