What Teen Titans (2003) character are you?
What Teen Titans (2003) character are you?
What would your friend describe you as?
How do you like to spend your free time?
What is your superpower?
How old are you?
How do you feel about your superpowers?
Who is your favorite Teen Titan?
Are you a girl or a boy? (Maybe I should have asked this right off the bat)
What is your favorite emoji?
OK, last question: Did you like this quiz?
Raven is one of the most mysterious characters throughout the series. She is quiet, seemingly emotionless, intelligent, studious, and sarcastic. She can always come up with a smart remark, specifically in reply to most of the Teen Titans' antics and attempts at humor. Her appearance and attitude appear to be that of a typical modern goth female.
Robin is a natural-born leader. He is heroic, noble, kind, selfless, stoic, stubborn, brooding and usually serious in tone, but has had a fair number of funny moments.
Starfire is very cheerful and sweet, yet somewhat naive and considerably insecure, but her naivete is not to be mistaken for stupidity. An alien and an outsider, she is still rather new to Earth and its customs.
Beast Boy
Beast Boy
In the series, Beast Boy plays the role of the lighthearted jokester of the group, though he is often the butt of many jokes or backfiring pranks himself. He is playful, energetic, and often immature. When the other Titans are focused on important details he is usually the first to break in with a preposterous suggestion or an unnecessary joke.
Cyborg is a very outgoing, cool, and fun-loving character who likes to enjoy life, especially since he found friends who consider him a person, not a freak. He is upbeat, smart, funny, and cheerful, but serious and heroic when he needs to be. He likes to enjoy playing video games, tinkering with technological gizmos and eating.
What Teen Titans (2003) character are you?