Choose Your Favourite 90's Music And We'll Tell You What Kind Of Childhood You Had
Choose Your Favourite 90's Music And We'll Tell You What Kind Of Childhood You Had
Let's throw it back to when "spice up your life" didn't just mean adding cayenne. Choose your fave 90's tunes and we'll be able to tell you what your childhood was like!
Let's throw it back to when "spice up your life" didn't just mean adding cayenne. Choose your fave 90's tunes and we'll be able to tell you what your childhood was like!

Choose your favourite girl band:
Choose your favourite boy band:
Choose a unisex band:
Choose your favourite rock band:
Choose your favourite alternative band:
Choose your favourite single from 1992:
Choose your favourite single from 1996:
Choose your favourite 90's album:
You had a....Fun Childhood!
You had a....Fun Childhood!
Your fondest memories may include sprinklers, trampolines, slip and slides and of course all the Kool-Aid Jammers you could drink! You were blessed with a fun and entertaining childhood. Your parents may have even planned themed parties for you, your house was always a hub of social fun and positivity.
You had a...Disciplined Childhood
You had a...Disciplined Childhood
You were very disciplined and hardworking as a child. You would stay up late doing homework and your parents may have drilled you with flashcards, eek! There were strict rules in your household, but when you were allowed a sleepover, god almighty, it was the best day ever! Even though your childhood may not have been the most fun, the discipline paid off because now you're sittin' pretty as a more or less successful adult while you're friends are scramblin' for a career. Alright!
You had a...Busy Childhood
You had a...Busy Childhood
You did it all. Soccer, basketball, figure skating, choir, dance, even origami classes at the library. Wherever there was an activity you were there doing it. You had a productive childhood and because of that gained lots of cool skills and experience which you now apply to everything you do!
You had an...Easy Going Childhood
You had an...Easy Going Childhood
You were allowed to do pretty much...anything. Your parents may be more the progressive hippie types that didn't believe in stern discipline and trusted you to just do you. Your parents valued more creative endeavours and encouraged you to pursue basically whatever you wanted. Because of this upbringing, you have a strong sense of individuality and internal confidence that not many people have. Awesome!