What Type of Ninja Are You?
What Type of Ninja Are You?
Everyone has an inner ninja...What type of ninja are you?
Everyone has an inner ninja...What type of ninja are you?

You witness a real-life crime going down....you:
What was your favourite class in school?
You can't live without:
What's your ideal mode of transportation:
Pick an animal:
What is your combat style?
How do you like to relax?
What would you say after killing a bad guy:
You are an...Anime Ninja!
You are an...Anime Ninja!
These ninjas possess magical powers that you can handle with grace. You are sensitive and very intelligent. You are very dedicated and consider Ninja-ism a lifestyle, not just something you do. You live ninja, you breathe ninja, you are...ninja.
What do you think? Can you kick butt like an Anime Ninja? Share your result below!
You are a....Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtle!
You are a....Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtle!
Let's face it. If you really did have to fight crime, you'd probably give it a few hours, maybe have a pizza first, whatever evil is lurking about can wait...I mean, what's the worst that could happen. You are beyond chill, and may not have a serious bone in your body. But you know how to do a killer kick flip if the time calls for it. Awesome!
What do you think? Can you kick butt like the TMNT's? Share your result below!
You are a...Classic Japanese Ninja!
You are a...Classic Japanese Ninja!
Classic ninjas are silent but deadly. They are very disciplined and must train for years in order to gain ninja status. You are a dedicated student and understand the value of hard work. You have a strong mind and an even stronger physique! Go Ninja go!
What do you think? Can you kick butt like a Classic Ninja? Share your result below!
You are a...Lego Ninjago Ninja!
You are a...Lego Ninjago Ninja!
These ninjas are built with Lego so extra durable for fighting. You are fearless with a heart of gold. Cooperation is your strength and you understand the power of team "building." Master Wu would be proud.
What do you think? Can you kick butt like a Lego Ninjago Ninja? Share your result below!