Which Animal Represents Your Primary Instincts?
Which Animal Represents Your Primary Instincts?
Everyone has an inner animal....
Everyone has an inner animal....
Choose a scene of nature:
Which word best describes you?
Are you:
Choose a colour:
Choose another word to describe you:
Choose a crystal:
Choose an activity:
What is your birth order?
Your primary instincts are represented by a....Lion!
Your primary instincts are represented by a....Lion!
You are attentive, you have quick reflexes and you are always first to stick up for someone. You have a lot of charisma and can charm the pants off anyone.
Your primary instincts are represented by an....Otter!
Your primary instincts are represented by an....Otter!
Your first instinct is to be playful and carefree. You have a laissez faire attitude and are incredibly social. You can ease up any tense situation with a bit of fun humour and a positive attitude.
Your primary instincts are represented by a....Fox!
Your primary instincts are represented by a....Fox!
Your instinct is to be intellectual. You always go for the witty and response. You are always scanning your environment and take in information like no other! You usually come up with the best solutions to problems. You are sharp as a tac!
Your primary instincts are represented by a....Mouse!
Your primary instincts are represented by a....Mouse!
You are careful and calculated. You are unassuming at first but behind that quiet exterior is a fun loving individual with a heart of gold! You care for all creature big and small and you are great at making friends and you are loyal as ever!