What Parks and Rec Character Are You?

Take a quiz that is guessing the rough estimate of which character from Parks and Recreation you would be

Sophie Pardini
Created by Sophie Pardini(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 30, 2016

Which gender are you?

Which Dessert?

Pick a pet

What word best describes you?

What do you like to do?

What do you hate the most?

Pick a theme

Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope

You got Leslie Knope! You are very passionate and a bright and happy person. You keep things going and will not give up easily.

Ann Perkins

Ann Perkins

Oh Ann, you cunning, pliable, chestnut-haired sunfish. You tend to go with the flow. You are very smart and tend to want people to like and appreciate you

April Ludgate

April Ludgate

Deep down you are a big ol softy and despite being a tough shell to crack you care very much about your career and how others feel

Donna Meagle

Donna Meagle

Work it. Donna knows what is up. You can see a fake person from a mile away. You are aware of yourself and what you can handle and what you can't

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Ron may appear as a person who doesn't like much, other than meat, breakfast food, and hunting. Like you he has a sweet personality and the most amazing laugh ever. Keep being you!

Andy Dwyer

Andy Dwyer

You bring smiles to everyones face! You will not deny your love of junkfood and doing nothing. But you are the reason people get out of bed in the morning just to see your brightening smile. You light up my world!

Ben Wyatt

Ben Wyatt

Smart, sweet and a tad bit nerdy. You have your priorities straight but when something turns an unexpected way it will through you off a bit. Stay true to yourself and keep enjoying life!

Tom Haverford

Tom Haverford

Treat Yo Self. You know whats in style and you know you look good. Sometimes you could be a tad selfish but you make up for it in expressing your true feelings to your friends. And that is what makes your friends love you!

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On Nov 18, 2021