What Emoji Are You?
What Emoji Are You?
Are you the classical smiley face, or the poop? Find out by taking this quiz!
Are you the classical smiley face, or the poop? Find out by taking this quiz!

What Do Feel Like Doing Right Now?
What's Your Favorite Movie?
What Is Your Favorite Color?
How Do You Usually Feel- Happy, Sad, Mad, Or Confused?
What's Your Favorite Time Of Day?
What's Your Favorite Stuffed Animal?
What's Your Favorite Landmark?
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Happy Face
Happy Face
You are always positive and you brighten everyone's day! You like adventures and love trying something new! Happy birthday!
You can be pretty funny, but sometimes you poop on everyone's party. But, being honest, sometimes you are helpful in awkward situations, so kudos for that!
Sleepy Face
Sleepy Face
Sometimes you can be tiring, but your very intelligent and funny nature makes up for it. You love good times when you are up to it. So just try to be a little more fun and that's it!
The Smiling Devil
The Smiling Devil
Sometimes, you get happy when other people get hurt... but you also are pretty funny and intelligent! Just try to be a little more understanding and helpful!