Which Member of the Wonder Family Are You?
Which Member of the Wonder Family Are You?
Have you always wondered which of Wonder Woman's sisters you are? Wonder no longer, Wonder Woman!
Have you always wondered which of Wonder Woman's sisters you are? Wonder no longer, Wonder Woman!

Pick a Color:
Which image speaks to you?
Are you a good leader?
Pick a male hero:
Pick a goddess:
Pick a female hero:
Choose a quote:
Which word calls to you?
Are you more introverted or extroverted?
Which image speaks to you?
Diana of Themyscira
Diana of Themyscira
(also known as Diana Prince, Wonder Woman I, Goddess of Truth, and Godkiller)
Great Hera, you are the Amazing Amazon herself, Diana of Themyscira! You are kind, loyal, and possess incredible strength. You are rarely one to raise a hand until you have first extended it, but Hera help those who draw your wrath.
Hippolyta of Themyscira
Hippolyta of Themyscira
(aka Hyppolyte, Wonder Woman, and Queen of the Amazons)
You are the Amazonian queen herself: Hippolyta! Strong and just, you are a good leader who fiercely protects those you love.
Donna Troy
Donna Troy
(aka Wonder Girl I, Troia, Darkstar, and Wonder Woman)
You are Donna Troy, Wonder Woman's sister and occasional successor. You are filled with strength and compassion - as well as self-doubt - but you always find your way in the end.
Cassandra Sandsmark
Cassandra Sandsmark
(aka Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl II)
You are Cassandra Sandsmark, self-made Amazon! You are fiery and persistent, willing to do what it takes to accomplish your goals, regardless of so-called "barriers."
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
(aka Artemis, Shim'Tar, Wonder Woman II)
You are Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, named for the goddess of the Moon herself! Tenacious and hotheaded, you are always the type to choose death before dishonor, but beyond your tough exterior, you are a skillful leader who loves the few people close to you more than your own life.
Grace Choi
Grace Choi
(aka Grace)
You are Grace Choi, literal and figurative "Outsider!" You are your own person, for better and worse, and you try to live your life with as much authenticity as possible, even if you do hide the occasional deep-dark secret.