What's Your Spoopy Horoscope?

Halloween's right around the corner and you'll need to prepare yourself for the festivities ahead. Take a look at your spoopy horoscope below to get a little insight on what's to come!

SPC Card
Created by SPC Card (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 20, 2015

Aries | March 21 - April 19

You've been planning your Halloween costume for weeks. You are READY to get real scary this holiday.


Taurus | April 20 - May 20

You can't be bothered with decorations. You need to look your BEST for the afterparty.


Gemini | May 21 - June 20

You still have your innocence, you just want to have a good time eating candy and hanging out with your friends.


Cancer | June 21 - July 22

Why is everyone so boring?! It seems like you're the only one in your circle that is actually excited to be dressing up.


Leo | July 23 - August 22

A couple of surprises await your festivities. Be careful, you never know what's lurking out there.


Virgo | August 23 - September 22

Let your friends guide you. They're excited you're finally going out for a change, it's time to have fun and get spoopy!


Libra | September 23 - October 22

You'll be the epitome of spoopy this year. Time to pull out all the stops to impress your friends.


Scorpio | October 23 - Nov 21

Could this be true love? That person you've been talking to for a while might just be waiting for you by the cobwebs.


Sagittarius | November 22 - December 21

Halloween isn't a big deal for you but you still enjoy the little things. The decorations and candy will surely brighten your spirits.


Capricorn | December 22 - January 19

Just be yourself. You always seem to have a good time not matter what everyone else is doing.


Aquarius | January 20 - February 18

You might be feeling down, but it's time to let loose. Bury your worries because there's a party to get to!


Pisces | February 19 - March 20

Something wicked this way comes... Or maybe it'll be a silly prank, who know's?! Just keep your guard up.

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