The Shaft 2017: Suite life or hall life?
The Shaft 2017: Suite life or hall life?
Where do you belong?
Where do you belong?
Do you belong in a housing group of four or more people?
Do you actually enjoy going to floor events and getting to know the people who live in the rooms near yours?
How flexible is your shower schedule?
What part of your dorm do you like the most right now:
Do you actually cook in your dorm, or do you live off of takeout and Morton Williams sandwiches?
Where do you usually study when you’re at home?
It seems like living in a suite may be a better choice for you than living in a hall-style dorm. Plan to go into housing selection with a group of some friends or acquaintances—you’ll enjoy the private bathroom and kitchen more than the communal spaces a hall dorm can offer. But be prepared to have to compromise with your potential suitemates on where you end up living.
Living in a hall is a better fit for you than living in a suite. You’ll get exposed to meeting new people, and who knows? They might become your best friends next year! Though it’s likely you won’t be living right next door to your pals, there are some serious pros to living in a hall—you’ll avoid bickering with friends over stupid chores, and you won’t have to settle for what they want.