Take the Famous Telephone Conversation Quiz here!
Take the Famous Telephone Conversation Quiz here!
Let's put that memory to the test and see how well you can remember these famous phone conversations!
Choose the film in which you think you heard the famous phrase. Hint: Don't simply judge by the pictures....
Let's put that memory to the test and see how well you can remember these famous phone conversations!
Choose the film in which you think you heard the famous phrase. Hint: Don't simply judge by the pictures....

"Oh my God, I’m not mad at her, I’m worried about her. I think somebody nominated her as a joke or something, I mean nobody votes for her, she’s gunna have a total meltdown..."
"If you hang up, I will kill you."
"Hello Cindy."
"I will look for you, I will find you... and I will kill you."
"I was at this party and my designated driver tried to attack me... Then this guy with a gun held me up, took my money and my phone and he yelled at me and he forced me to ruin my dress."
"We traced the call! It's coming from inside the house! Do you hear me? It's coming from inside the house!"
"Hi, I'm calling from Paris. I have a son who's home alone."
"...this is not a phoney phone call, there is an intruder, male, caucasian, possibly armed, certainly weird... in my kitchen.
"The man punted Baxter!! The man, on the motorcycle, on the bridge... I hit him with a burrito."
"Show me the money!!!"