Can You Name These Classic “Wonder Nines?”
Can You Name These Classic “Wonder Nines?”
The classic Wonder Nines were the pistols that ushered in the era of the modern high-capacity semi-auto.
How well do you know your classic Wonder Nines? Take our quiz and find out!
The classic Wonder Nines were the pistols that ushered in the era of the modern high-capacity semi-auto.
How well do you know your classic Wonder Nines? Take our quiz and find out!

Let’s start off with a simple one. Name that Wonder Nine!
Some would call this the best-looking pistol of all time. Name that Wonder Nine!
Another enduring classic. Name that Wonder Nine!
Name that Wonder Nine!
Getting a little tougher. Name that Wonder Nine!
A truly innovative pistol. Name that Wonder Nine!
Name that Wonder Nine!
This is the only image I could find that didn’t give the answer away. Name these goofy-looking Wonder Nines!
Name that Wonder Nine!
Tougher, eh? Name that Wonder Nine!
Name that Wonder Nine!
Wait, didn’t we do this one already? Nope. It may look similar to another entry on this list, but it’s different. Name that Wonder Nine!
Hey, this isn't a pistol at all. It's a guy! But who IS this guy?