Which Pathfinder Deity Would You Worship?

For all those who have questioned it, now there is an answer! Are you a follower of Abadar, Asmodeus, Calistria, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Zon-Kuthon, Nethys, or Desna.

Stacie Lamb
Created by Stacie Lamb(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 20, 2015

Someone has stolen a candy bar from a store and you witnessed the whole thing. What do you do?

It is dawn and a spectacular sunrise is about to begin. What are you doing?

A small child is crying on the side of the road. His knee is skinned up and his bike seems to be broken. What do you do?

The world is ending. What do you do?

You are opening a stall at the local town. What are your wares?

What is your favorite color combo?

Someone has wronged you. What do you do?

You are on an adventure and you stop at an inn to rest. How do you spend your downtime?

What do you believe is your alignment?

If someone were to disrespect you or your friend, what would you do?



You would worship Abadar, Master of the First Vault! The Lawful Neutral god of cities, law, merchants, and wealth, Abadar blesses those who are called to travel and sell their wares across Golarion.



You woul worship Asmodeus, Prince of Darkness. This Lawful Evil devil is worshiped by those ready to take advantage of those who are in need by making pacts that so south for the other person. You ruthless bastard!



You would worship Calistria, The Savored Sting. Goddess of Scorned Lovers and Vengence, she is full of passion and temper only a Chaotic Neutral Deity could handle. SHe is one fiesty goddess that will have you begging for more. If you cross her, however, she will make you regret it.



You would worship Sarenrae, the Dawnflower. This Neutral Good goddess of redemption and sun believes everyone deserves a second chance. Loving but stern, she blesses those who help heal those who are wounded, physically and spiritually.



You would worship Shelyn! This Neutral Good Goddess of beauty blesses those who see the beauty in everything. She believes all are beautiful in some way and loves art, music, and anything created fromthe heart.



You would worship Zon-Kuthon, The Midnight Lord. God of darkness and death, this Lawful Evil deity blesses those who inflict pain and suffering on others and themselves.



You would worship Nethys, the All-Seeing Eye. God of magic and knowledge, this deity blesses those in constant search of new ways to learn of magic. Favored by wizards, Nethys aids those who yearn for knowledge of magic.



You would worship Desna, Song of the Spheres. This Chaotic Good deity is concerned with dreams, travel, and luck. She blesses those who liberate others and themselves and often comes to her followers in dreams.

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