Few Essential Tips for Selling Your Coins In 2019
Few Essential Tips for Selling Your Coins In 2019

Few Essential Tips for Selling Your Coins In 2019
There can be various reasons for which you might want to sell your old antique coins. To help you with this, here is a list of tips/tricks that can help you get the most out of your coin.
Don’t get into a forced sale situation
Some of the coin dealers are like sharks, if they come to know that you are in a situation of desperation, they will try to take advantage of you. Selling your coin in a forced situation can cost you 20-30% or more.
Pick the right time for selling your coins
The best coin dealers in San Antonio say that the best time of the year for selling your coins are around January and during July/ August. Keep this in mind next time you want to sell your valuable coins.
Clean your coins
This might sound silly but according to a recent study, dirty and scratchy coins garner less money in an auction or in international markets. So, do keep your coins clean and scratch-free.
Send Your Coins to CAC
CAC stands for Certified Acceptance Corporation and having a CAC sticker on your coin before selling it to a coin dealer will add value to your coin will also instill a sense of confidence in your buyer. A CAC sticker means that your coin has been verified and meeting the standard strict quality within a grade.
Look for the right opportunity
Look for under-bidders who could not successfully convert in an auction. If you have similar coins with yourself, negotiate with that bidder quoting a good price. If you are lucky, you might as well get a good amount of money. This may not be 100% successful, but it is worth trying, isn’t it?
Collect coins
There are many instances when a valuable coin does not get its value due to the fact that it is not yet recognized. If you can put some effort and start searching for coins wherever you go, you might get lucky and find something of utmost value.
Attribute your coins
Although the chances are pretty less but, if you own a century old cent, that just sold for $40,000, wouldn’t that just be great! So, take a few minutes and attribute your coins. If you don’t know how, send it to a reputed attribution service or have a trusted collector friend do it for you.
Keeping these tips/tricks in mind, you should be able to get the best value from your coin. There are various online stores that deals with coins where you can sell your old coins quite conveniently and at a good price.
Author Bio: The author is a blogger and the article is about coin buyer in San Antonio.