What kind of a player are you in the Stalker Online?
What kind of a player are you in the Stalker Online?
Hey, stalker. Want to know what is your role in the game? Let's play!
Hey, stalker. Want to know what is your role in the game? Let's play!

I see players in the game...
You see how another player carving a wild boar, what would you do?
Quests in the game are...
Artefacts are ...
When I am traveling in the game I ....
NPC in the game that I liked ...
In my stock you can find ...
I make screenshots in the game of ...
Location "New Land" is ...
It seems like you are PK. You kill everything that moves. And that's not moves. It is very dangerous to meet you in the Caravan. Oh no no no.
It looks like you're one of those who collects everything he sees. Your warehouse packed with different stuff. And this is only a small part of what you find, because everything else you sell and earn good money. You are one of those who knows exactly what, where and when to look for things. And you are always prepared and equipped for the new campaign on the "farm".
Most of the time you spend at the "bulletin board", or with storekeeper. You know the price of all goods and skillfully use that knowledge. You probably a millioner. You are a market shark of "Stalker-online".
You're one of those who appreciated for "straight arm" and knowledge of the game. You have a good equipment and upgrades. Some people respect you, others hate it and think "cheater", but the main thing - a lot of people know you.
Clan player
Clan player
Surely you're playing with friends. If not, you got them for a long time in the game (and enemies). Shoulder to shoulder with friends and you clanmates exciting Databases and go to the raid on the "Carlsbad". Your life in the Zone - the war. If you're not looking for it, it finds you.
It looks like you're one of those who prefers the atmosphere in the game. You do not like to depend on anyone, and you are on your own. You prefer to pass quests and get into the most remote corners of the zone. You're avoiding open confrontation and think that the area is designed for stalking, but not for the shootings.
It is difficult to say something definite about you. Probably you have started playing recently, and your destiny in the Zone has not yet been determined. All in your hands!
You're probably one of those who was in the "Stalker-online" almost from the start. You've been everywhere, done everything and assembled a collection of rare equipment. You love to give advice and to criticize, because all you know about the Zone. Sometimes you're helping newcomers - when you login into the game. And you login only on holidays.