Which Mane Six Pony Are You?
Which Mane Six Pony Are You?
Which Mane Six pony are you? Maybe you're a bookworm like Princess Twilight, or a glamorous pony like Rarity. Well, we'll see!
Which Mane Six pony are you? Maybe you're a bookworm like Princess Twilight, or a glamorous pony like Rarity. Well, we'll see!
Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?
What's your favorite color?
What is your career goal?
Choose one thing to add to your bucket list.
And finally, which Element of Harmony means the most to you?
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
You are like Rainbow Dash! You're very competitive, and love to take up challenges! You are also a very loyal person, even behind all that toughness.
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie
You are most like Pinkie Pie! You are very hyper and love to make your friends smile! Hey, laughter is the best medicine!
You are a glamour pony like Rarity! Life and luxury is what life is all about to you! Despite that, you are very generous towards everyone.
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Princess Twilight Sparkle
You are smart and studious like Twilight! You love to read, and it is a must to be prepared for everything. Life is like a magical little spark to you.
You're a calm and relaxed pony like Applejack! You aren't all glitz and glam; you're pretty basic. But that's great! Honesty is always the best policy for you.
You are most like Fluttershy! You are shy and quiet, and have a fondness for animals. You are also one of the kindest people anyone will meet.