Who are you in Hogwarts?

What house are you in? What relationships do you have? How many Bertie Bots Every Flavor Bean flavors have you tried? Find out now!

Starfish Cadet
Created by Starfish Cadet (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Are you a boy or a girl?

What Flavor Bean Sounds The Best?
(For Girls)

What Flavor Bean Sounds Best?
(For Boys)

Your best friend has cheated on a test and wasn't caught, what do you do?

Which style of music do you like best?

Guess these pop stars in alphabetical order!

You have been asked by two people to go to the Yule Ball. One has been your friend for ages, but doesn't look very good and can't dance. The other doesn't know you well but is great looking and can dance amazing. Who do you choose?

What house are you in?

Emma Black

Emma Black

You are in Slytherin! And are quite the cool kid. Maybe it is your smooth voice, or your cunning eyes but the boys are always falling for you. Draco Malfoy is a good friend of yours and he likes to wink at you in potions. Harry Potter is not so bad either, though he does ignore you when Ginny is around.
Your favorite flavor bean is peppermint. It sends chills down your spine and never fails to impress. Especially when you also have a chocolate one in your mouth. You are pure blood, but don't boast about it too much. The unexplored corridors are your friend when there is nothing to do and you are still a strait A student.
So keep being you!

Jack Smith

Jack Smith

Slytherin!!! You may be quiet and reserved, but that is what the girls like most about you. If you need to speak, what you say has a purpose. And that shows through in your great grades. Occasionally you prefer to skip the studying and hang with friends, but you always get let off with a warning instead of true trouble. Harry Potter is far from your concern as he is the center of attention, and you prefer to stay as far as possible from that center. Even if you don't mind a few people noticing your craziness.
Your favorite flavor bean is most likely the lime flavor. It is the color of your uniform and the color of your soul. It may be a hard flavor to find when looking threw grass flavored ones, but that makes a good show with your friends.
One girl is your type and she asks to hang out a lot. She seems to like you too, so you might have a future with her.

Lily Roberts

Lily Roberts

You are in Hufflepuff. And you are the most loved student of the school. You not only are a star chaser in quidditch, but you can dance like there is no tomorrow. People even ask you for lessons for the next Yule ball. (Even though Neville could probably teach them). You prefer not to have a "boyfriend" since it is too much work. You'd rather have a bunch of friends, and if the right person comes then the right person comes.
Your favorite flavor of bean is Toasted Marshmallow. It brings you back to the days when you camped with your family. And it reminds you of the warmth from a campfire. Even if your friends think its tastes weird because it doesn't have the correct texture of an actual marshmallow.

Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Hufflepuff!!!! You may be a little awkward at times, but friendship is worth that. Practically all the guys are friends with you, and you are the most loyal kid around. You get to be the vault that holds the secrets of all your friends. And a few girls tend to flirt with you at the "Three Broomsticks". But that doesn't mind you.
Your favorite flavor bean is French Vanilla. It makes you dizzy with delicious. Spinning your taste buds round and round. Though, you don't tell anybody that it is your favorite, because you think someone would guess your sensitive because you love the flavor.

Tiffany Logan

Tiffany Logan

Your house goes great with your dark blue hair highlights. Even though people just guess your uptight and smart, you are actually pretty chill. You have strait A's and you still get to hang out with friends every Saturday. You have a boyfriend who never stops telling jokes, but he makes sure life isn't one. And he knows everything about you, so when your birthday rolls around, he knows exactly what to get.
Your favorite flavor bean is Cappuccino. It tastes like coffee without the caffeine, and that reminds you of long morning with your mom. It brings out the inner hipster inside of you without making it seem weird. (Every birthday your boyfriend gets you a pack with specifically Cappuccino flavored beans)

Max Guthrie

Max Guthrie

The blue Ravenclaw colors complement your style. Friendship is not a main goal, but you do have a few acquaintances that keep you company. Books are more important to you and fiction is your favorite.
Your favorite flavor is Licorice. It tastes like the moon and the stars delivered a new universe inside your mouth swirling your flavors round and round.
Though you don't have a girlfriend, a few other Ravenclaws wink at you occasionally. So when you are ready, you have a few to choose from.

Rachel Baker

Rachel Baker

Your reddish-brownish hair shows great beauty on your pale skin. It also complements the gold on your tie. You are the second smartest Gryffindor in the house. Hermione is the smartest, so you guys study together often. You also share the kindness gene, so even if you were rivals you'd still apologize later for it. So, you guys are great friends. Even if you can't hang out as often as you wish, because she is always with Harry and Ron.
Your favorite flavor bean is Orange Sherbet. It makes the most creamy orange flavor it your mouth and makes you smile. Hermione always picks out the flavor out of the package so you can just eat those.

Andrew Walker

Andrew Walker

Your light rose hair goes with everything in your house. You are ridiculously hilarious and clearly are the class clown. You look for every ounce of adventure there can be found and drag along a few friends for the ride. You are very kind, but you do forget it when a good burn comes out of your mouth. Malfoy isn't really someone you would help under any circumstances. And the only out of house friend you had was Cedric.
Rachel Baker is a great friend of yours. You think she smells nice, her skin glows, and she is super smart. So basically you like her a lot. She tries not to notice you when you flirt, but you can tell she is laughing.
Your favorite flavor bean is Cinnamon. It is hot and spicy, but warm and crisp. It makes your hair a little redder, and you have even made it a magic trick.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
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On Nov 18, 2021