Craig Raucher: A business developer and an ardent sport lover
Craig Raucher: A business developer and an ardent sport lover

Craig Raucher: A business developer and an ardent sport lover
Just the way Craig Raucher is a potential business developer, he very much into sport as well and has presided as a vice president at many sport development organizing companies and the various matches played during several tournaments. He would officiate as a sports organizer in many of these sports companies, giving the nexgen sports aspirants a good deal of scope to showcase their caliber. Most of these aspirants comprised students from high schools and colleges. One of the key reasons that he held the post of a sports organizer at these sports companies is that, he himself is an ardent sports viewer and what can be better than watching a sport by being organizer.
Transformation of DHL into worldwide express
In 1980 when Craig Raucher was given the responsibility to preside the sales depart of the DHL Company; he wasn’t certain at all about the extent to which the company developed. He was mainly given the responsibility to sell the products of the company on a worldwide basis. With his ever increasing diligence and hard work he triggered a breakthrough to the company’s annual profit and finally made it into the most successful venture.
The ultimate pioneer of unique business strategies
When it comes to a set of effective business strategies, Craig Raucher is considered a pioneer of such ideas. He has been giving the most catholic business ideas to many of the business companies he is part of and has been converting them into a huge success.