What "Dere" Are You
What "Dere" Are You
Kuudere, Yandere, Tsundere, Deredere, or Dandere. Which one of them are you? Find Out by answering these questions. There's a secret ;)
Kuudere, Yandere, Tsundere, Deredere, or Dandere. Which one of them are you? Find Out by answering these questions. There's a secret ;)

You walk in the school and see your crush, what do you do?
You see your crush talk to a girl or boy you know, what is your reaction?
School has ended, what do you do?
You both agree to get food together, but where is your question.
You sit down and talk about...
You see your crush walk away from you and he ran into a pretty girl you hate. What would you do?
You wake up and you notice you're late. You grab a toast and spread jelly and run out the door. You run into your crush. What do you say?
School ends and you see some girl or boy kiss your crush on the cheek. What do you do?
You come in mad and your crush sees you cry and ask what's wrong.
Your crush says that the girl/boy that he or she kissed was a sibling. How do you react?
It's Friday and you plan to tell your crush you like them. Where?
You give them the love letter blushing hardly. Your crush takes the letter and they read it. Yes they say...
You are shy and quiet sometimes rude
YOU KILL FER LOVE and if you see someone talking to ur crush .. U KILL THEM!
You act cold and mean but are actually kind and caring on the inside.
You are always happy but messed up in the head sometimes.
You are very shy and don't really talk that much with other people because you don't know what to talk about.
Secret Girl (normal)
Secret Girl (normal)
ur normal...
Secret Girl (ANTI-LOVER!)
Secret Girl (ANTI-LOVER!)
You don't want to be loved congrats! FOREVER ALONE LIKE ME, STELLA!!!!!