What Job Would you have in the Wizarding World?
What Job Would you have in the Wizarding World?

What's your Hogwarts House?
What's your favorite class at Hogwarts?
Which work environment appeals to you most?
You've been working really hard and feel like you deserve a raise. What do you do?
Which shop is your favorite?
What activity looks the most fun to do after a long day of work?
Which extra-curricular is your favorite?
A fellow co-worker comes up to you and asks if you'll chip in 5 galleons for the Head of magical maintenance's birthday. What do you do?
What creature would you most like to encounter at your job?
Your stapler keeps disappearing from your desk. You have an idea who keeps taking it but you're not sure. What do you do?
Dragonologist: A dragonologist is a magizoologist who specialises in the study of dragons. In some cases the job will require not only taking care of these creatures but also breeding and tracking certain species.
Famous Dragonologists: Charlie Weasley, Felix Rosier, Harvey Ridgebit.
Auror: They are witches and wizards who serve under the ministry of magic as sort of police officers. While their jobs mainly revolve around catching dangerous wizards they also help deal with large scale threats against the Wizarding world.
Famous Aurors: Harry Potter, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Moody
Curse-Breaker: This job has you removeing, countering or breaking curses placed on objects or places. This job requires a lot of travel and you might be working for the Ministry of magic or for Gringotts.
Famous Curse-Breakers: Bill Weasley, Patricia Rakepick, Tertius
Healer: They tend to the sick or wouned in the Wizarding world. Healers practice and use healing magic.
Famous Healers: Mungo Bonham, Poppy Pomfrey, Hannah Abbott
Magizoologist: This is a job thatrequires you to take care of and study magical creatures. In some cases the job will require not only taking care of these creatures but also breeding and tracking certain species.
Famous Magizoologists: Newt Scamander, Luna Lovegood, Havelock Sweeting
Security Troll Trainer
Security Troll Trainer
Security Troll Trainer: You train these rather unintelligent but dangerous creatures to gaurd rooms buildings or even people. And this is quite an undrtaking considering that half the time the troll just gets annoyed and ends up squashing you to a pulp...but im sure you'll be fine.
Professor: Professors work at a Wizarding school. Hopefully you'll get a job working at the best one, Hogwarts. This job gives you great flexibility because you can work in any area of study you want.
Famous Professors: Remus Lupin, Gilderoy Lockhart, Minerva McGonagall
Wandmaker: Practice the craft of making wands. This is called Wandcraft. Wandmakers make and sell wands to people in the Wizarding World.
Famous Wandmakers: Garrick Ollivander, Violetta Beauvais, Arturo Cephalopos
Hit Wizard/Hit Witch
Hit Wizard/Hit Witch
Hit Wizard/Hit Witch: This job position is a part of the Magical Enforcement Squad. They are trained to deal with very dangerous combat and life threatening situations. Such as tracking down and dealing with dangerous wizards.
Famous Hit Wizards: Alastor Gumboil and Arnold Peasegood
Keeper of Keys and Grounds
Keeper of Keys and Grounds
Keeper of Keys and Grounds: This is a Witch or Wizard that may also be known as the gamekeeper or groundskeeper. They live on the Hogwarts school grounds and look after the security and state of the grounds.
Famous Keeper of Keys and Grounds: Ogg, Rubeus Hagrid