What Color Is Your Spirit Body?

Find out what you look like when you're not in your body! Spooky!

Stephan Ganev
Created by Stephan Ganev (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 11, 2018

Pick a crystal:

Pick a drink:

Pick a mantra:

Pick an essential oil:

Pick a yoga pose to hold for 2 minutes:

How would most people describe you?

Which of these instruments do you wish you could play?

Pick an animal:

Your spirit body is...Red

Your spirit body is...Red

You have a grounded, calming presence to you. You need to be surrounded by beautiful things in order to be happy. You believe that hard work will get you what you truly desire in this life.

Your spirit body is...Green

Your spirit body is...Green

You have a huge amount of compassion for all humans and living things on this planet. People describe you as wearing your heart on your sleeve. You value mercy over the law and are always first to help out a friend in need.

Your spirit body is...Purple

Your spirit body is...Purple

You like to spend time thinking about the meaning of life and the deeper aspects of things. You know that nothing is ever as it seems. You're eternally curious and have a child like sense of play in everything you do.

Your spirit body is...White

Your spirit body is...White

People describe you as being very wise and perhaps even an "old soul". Your friends and family always seem to flock to you for advice and nothing makes you happier than helping those in need. You're not afraid of dying and generally live your life with a sense of peace.

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