What Is Your Mom Personality?
What Is Your Mom Personality?
From crunchy-granola to old school traditional, every mom has her own style. Take our Mom Personality Quiz to see what type of mom you are!
From crunchy-granola to old school traditional, every mom has her own style. Take our Mom Personality Quiz to see what type of mom you are!
They say, "breast is best." I say...
Where does your baby sleep?
What type of diapers do you use?
Will you (or do you) spank?
When it comes to my education, my child will go to...
What are your feelings on vaccinations?
What do you do when your baby's pacifier touches the ground?
When did you/will you introduce solid foods?
What type of food do you feed your family?
What's the best toy in your kid's closet?
You're an Attachment Mama
You're an Attachment Mama
You're up on the latest recommendations from Dr. Sears, and enjoy snuggling with your baby in the family bed. You're a firm believer in baby wearing, and quickly react to your baby's cues so he always feel secure.
You're a Traditional Mom
You're a Traditional Mom
You came out alright, and your kids will, too. There's a good chance you're using the same rules to raise your kids that your parents used on you. You believe that sometimes a kid needs a spanking, and teaching your kids to be respectful is important.
You're an Earth Mother
You're an Earth Mother
Chances are your baby went right from the womb to being worn in your organic cotton Moby wrap. You're a gentle mama who values keeping things green. If you have the space for it, you might even raise your own free-range chickens.
You're a 'Whatever Works' Mom
You're a 'Whatever Works' Mom
A little bit Attachment, a little bit Traditional; you've tried it all and picked what works for you. Maybe you let baby cry it out after a few weeks of co-sleeping. Maybe you'll never spank, or maybe you'll do a little bit of everything just to keep things running smoothly.