What Kind Of Mermaid Are You?
What Kind Of Mermaid Are You?
Are you a singing siren from the deep blue waters or a frosty mergirl from the cold waters of Antarctica? Many more answers here in the quiz! Come to find out!
Are you a singing siren from the deep blue waters or a frosty mergirl from the cold waters of Antarctica? Many more answers here in the quiz! Come to find out!

Choose your favorite element!
What would you do if you came across a human?
What do you like to do best?
What means most to your heart?
Favorite animal?
Ice Mermaiden
Ice Mermaiden
You're an icy mermaid from the deep cold waters of Antarctica! You possess frosty powers to create cold winds and you can create ice crystals from your hands! Many mermaids look up to Ice Mermaidens as they are creative, brave and very friendly. You inspire many with your icy powers! You go girl!
Fire Mermaid
Fire Mermaid
From the hot springs in the volcanic waters, there lies you, the Fire Mermaid! Your confidence and leadership make you one of the most honourable Mermaids in the ocean! You possess heating powers to heat up the cold hearts of evil!
Deep Sea Singer
Deep Sea Singer
You are a deep sea siren! You enjoy the pleasure of singing to yourself or bringing in sailors to capture! You're seductive and very attractive to many men. Your best quality is not your looks but your mysterious undertone and your bravery. Sometimes you do feel misunderstood by a lot of other people unlike you. You possess the most beautiful singing voice in the whole world!
Sea Creature Caller
Sea Creature Caller
You're a special kind of mermaid! You have the powers to bring in and call any sea creature including the ones humans haven't even seen! You have the power to change your appearance like a shape shifter to any three animals: Seal, dolphin and turtle. You're shy and sweet and very empathetic. Your merfriends love you dearly.
Wave Changer
Wave Changer
You have amazing powers no other mermaid has! You can control what happens under the deep blue sea. You have the power to change the currents in the ocean while going with the flow. You have the personality of an angel and your super nice! All mermaids want to be just like you. You are unique and always optimistic.