Which "My Roommate's an Escort" Character are you?

Answer 10 questions to figure out which character from the web series "My Roommate's an Escort" you are!

My Roommate's an Escort
Created by My Roommate's an Escort (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 30, 2017

It's pay day, what do you do?

Your friend is having a baby shower this weekend

You find a bottle of gummy vitamins in your roommate's room

A creepy couple offer to buy you shots

You see your future boss at the bar

Your best friend is getting a tattoo

You meet your roommate's parents who look nothing like them

You went out last night and drank a lot, tonight you will...

You just found out that your roommate did THE WORST thing ever

A stranger knocks on the door



You're responsible, reliable and always thinking about the future. Sometimes your naivety can get the better of you whether it's because you're too nice or too trusting of other people.

You are very non-confrontational which can cause you a great amount of bottled up stress and it's only a matter of time before you blow your top!



You are confident, sexy and unapologetic. You know what you want and you go after it - even if you don't always think through the consequences of your actions.

You are a free-spirited person who doesn't like to be tied-down and you are always the life of a party. You are the happiest when you are in large groups.



You are bold, sexy and independent. You know what it takes to make it and you'll be damned if you let anyone stand in the way of that.

You worked hard up to this point in your life so now you're ready to sit back and let those below you do the heavy lifting. Your "no-shit" attitude garners respect... or is it fear?

Golden Jimmy

Golden Jimmy

You may be a little rough around the edges, but you work hard to support the people who count on you. You have made some mistakes in your life and you're the first to admit it because you know you're not perfect.

You know that the glamourous lifestyle just isn't for you - and really... you're okay with that.



You're honest and empathetic. You see things for what they really are and try not to pass judgement on people before you get to know them.

More than anything you just want to have a family that you can share the endless amount of love you have with them!



You're sympathetic, kind and a good friend to the small group of people you let in your life.

You're always the first in line to support your friends and usually find yourself playing therapist to them - even if your advice has a tendency to get people into trouble.

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