Could You Survive A House Fire?
Could You Survive A House Fire?
House fires are one of the most common emergencies experiences by households today. Could you survive one?
House fires are one of the most common emergencies experiences by households today. Could you survive one?
You were putting your wet laundry in the drier. Before you turn it on, what should you check?
Does your house have smoke detectors?
You start smelling smoke coming from the basement. What do you do?
You see smoke coming from the basement door. What do you do now?
You see fire licking the bottom of the basement door. The realization finally dawns on you, your house is on fire! What do you do next?
You have evacuated the house, but you remembered you left your mom's photo album inside. Do you go in to get it?
Say you go into get it and your clothes catch on fire, you:
What do you do once you've evacuated?
When navigating around a fire should you stay above or below the flames?