This Puppy Quiz Will Determine What Kind Of Grown Dog You Should Have
This Puppy Quiz Will Determine What Kind Of Grown Dog You Should Have
Puppies always get all the attention, they're just so cute and little and furry! But what about grown dogs! What kind of grown dog should you adopt based on your choice of puppies? Let's see!
Puppies always get all the attention, they're just so cute and little and furry! But what about grown dogs! What kind of grown dog should you adopt based on your choice of puppies? Let's see!

Choose a puppy!
Choose a puppy!
Choose a puppy!
Choose a puppy!
Choose a puppy!
Choose a puppy!
Choose a puppy!
Choose a puppy!
You should adopt a...Bedlington Terrier!
You should adopt a...Bedlington Terrier!
These dogs are just the sweetest! They're affectionate, spirited, and good-tempered. Plus they look just like lambs!
You should adopt a...Cockapoo!
You should adopt a...Cockapoo!
Cockapoos are absolute joys! They're sweet and fluffy and they have hearts of gold! They're also very athletic and have a ceratin "spunk."
You should adopt...a Beagle!
You should adopt...a Beagle!
Beagle are so so cute! They were bred to hunt wild game and have an amazing sense of scent. Beagles are friendly, loving and good tempered.
You should adopt....a Sharpei!
You should adopt....a Sharpei!
Sharpei's are so adorable with their rolls everywhere! They are independant, reserved and affectionate.