This Spirit Animal Test Will Reveal Your Childhood Wish
This Spirit Animal Test Will Reveal Your Childhood Wish
As kids, we're full of wonder and whimsy. We may have even had imaginary friends or imaginary animal friends! Believe it or not, you might have a spirit animal, and it might just be able to tell you your childhood wish!
As kids, we're full of wonder and whimsy. We may have even had imaginary friends or imaginary animal friends! Believe it or not, you might have a spirit animal, and it might just be able to tell you your childhood wish!

Choose a spirit deer:
Choose a spirit otter:
Choose a spirit puppy:
Choose a spirit bird:
Choose a spirit moose:
Choose a spirit seagull:
Choose a spirit bat:
Choose a spirit hippo:
Your childhood wish was to....dig to China!
Your childhood wish was to....dig to China!
You and your friends would always try to dig to China but you never quite got there. Your one wish was to get to this magical land called "China" and savour the diverse culture and endless noodles there.
Your childhood wish was a cat!
Your childhood wish was a cat!
Let's face it, every kid wanted to be either a cat or a dog, but you were definitely on team cat. You even had a food and water dish out in case you got peckish. And of course you'd wrangle up your friends to play cats with you because no cat stands alone. If only you could be an actual cat...ahhhhh....
Your childhood wish was to....have your own treehouse!
Your childhood wish was to....have your own treehouse!
You dreamed every child's dream, the coveted piece of real estate known as the tree house that only a few lucky kids actually got the chance to experience. You tried making your own out of cardboard box, but that didn't end very well. Oh well, a kid can dream.
Your childhood wish was Santa!
Your childhood wish was Santa!
You may have visited Santa at the "mall" and in his "workshop" but let's be honest the real Santa comes at Christmas eve and you wished with all your might that you could meet the man in red. But alas staying up that late was no match for 5 year old...