This Spirit Animal Test Will Reveal Your Next Career Move

Animals are very intuitive creatures! Spirit animals can guide you on your life journey and take you to new and exciting places. Choose the animals you resonate with most and see what your next career move is.

Stephanie Lee
Created by Stephanie Lee
On Feb 24, 2019
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Choose a duck:

Choose a dolphin:

Choose an albatross:

Choose a monkey:

Choose a parrot:

Choose a mouse:

Choose a tiger:

Choose a turtle:

Your next career move is to get promoted at your current job!

Your next career move is to get promoted at your current job!

You've been at your career for a while now and you feel like you pay your dues, show up on time and are dynamite in the office! You feel like maybe you deserve a promotion right about now, well your spirit animal is guiding you in the right direction. Get your boss's attention and show them what you're made of.

Your next career move is the opposite career you're currently doing.

Your next career move is the opposite career you're currently doing.

Say you're a financial analyst or an IT consultant but you've always dreamed of becoming a ballroom dance instructor or teach yoga in India. Well now's the type to make that bold move!

Your next career move is to ....take time off work.

Your next career move is to ....take time off work.

Call it a sabbatical, a vacation or simply quitting. You've been at your job too long and you need a break for some perspective. Working so hard can make you crazy, you deserve a break.

Your next career move is to... start your own business!

Your next career move is to... start your own business!

Entrepreneurship is so in right now. It gives you the freedom and flexibility to lead your life on your own terms. You may have been working under the confines of a corporation and have recently felt, that just isn't your style. Well, starting your own business is the ticket!

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Choose a duck:

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