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Which Zombie Land Double Tap Character Are You?

A shy student, a gun-toting tough guy and a pair of sisters trying to get to an amusement park have to battle zombies across the states of America. Which Zombie Land Double Tap character are you?

Stephanie Lee
Created by Stephanie Lee
On Nov 11, 2019
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Zombies invade! What do you do?

What do you grab before you leave?

Say you choose to fight. What is your weapon of choice?

A zombie pulls at your shirt, what do you do?

Where is your ideal place for a zombie takeover?

Which body part of yours would you get bitten by a zombie first?

Which Zombie Movie is your favourite?

If you were infected, how far would you go for a cure?

You are...Talahassee!

You are...Talahassee!

Talahassee is an expert zombie killer. He always has a weapon on hand just in case he needs to kill zombies and he's found out a few creative ways to do so. He also has an extreme love for Twinkies and will travel wide and far just to have them. If you're like Talahassee you are intensely aware of your surroundings and always on the lookout. You aren't afraid to fight and you're especially not afraid to kill zombies.

You are...Columbus!

You are...Columbus!

Columbus can be describes as a nerd and a loner. He is super cautious and can even be seen as gentle. But despite this, he has the skills to survive in Zombieland. If you're Columbus, you could be more intellectual and you could have a lot of fears. But your mind is your best tool for survival. You know how to trick people to get what you want and you can even trick zombies!

You are...Witchita!

You are...Witchita!

Witchita isn't your typical "stuck up bitch." She can be intense, and she's known to con a few people out of money. But she is especially clever. Similar to Columbus she uses her mind to get out of most of her zombie filled predicaments. If you're like Witchita, you live life by your own rules. You aren't afraid of much and will jump into the deep end if you have to.

You are...Little Rock!

You are...Little Rock!

Little Rock is young but she knows a thing or to about killing zombies. She has a close bond with her sister, Witchita and helps her in her conning schemes. If you're like Witchita, you're way too cool for your age. You have a natural maturity that not many people have and you can see the big picture.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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