What FNAF 2 Character are you?
What FNAF 2 Character are you?
Are you a new one? Or an old one? Find out now!
Are you a new one? Or an old one? Find out now!

Are you a Male Animatronic? Or a Female Animatronic?
What is your favorite FNAF ship?
What do you enjoy more, guys night? Or girls night?
What is your favorite animal?
Are you a girly-girl tom-boy or mutual?
Status: You are fierce, and you sometimes RUN to your dudes for love advice because you don't know how to exactly charm a chick-en.
Friends: Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Toy Bonnie, Mangle.
Love Life:Toy Chica
Enemies: Toy Freddy.
Status: You love food! You are tight with Foxy and you help him with love adivice when it comes to Toy Chica.
Friends: Foxy, Toy Freddy, Mangle, Toy Bonnie.
Love Life: Bonnie
Enemies: Freddy
Status: You are tough, but you have a soft side for singing.
Friends: Foxy
Love Life: Chica
Enemies: All the animatronics except Chica and Foxy even though Chica is not in to you.
Status: You are smooth, good with the ladies, but a bit of a flirt.
Friends: Foxy, Toy Bonnie
Love Life: Chica
Enemies: Freddy
Status: Girly diva who's got sass and amazing muscle!
Friends: Toy Chica, Chica, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Foxy
Love Life: Toy Bonnie
Enemies: Freddy
Toy Chica
Toy Chica
Status: You are a sexy chick-en who's headstrong and kind but has a bit of an ego.
Friends: Mangle, Toy Bonnie, Chica, Toy Freddy
Love Life: Foxy
Enemies: Freddy
Toy Freddy
Toy Freddy
Status: A singing ball of joy... a ladies man... literally.
Friends: Toy Chica, Chica, Mangle, Toy Bonnie
Love Life: ?
Enemies: Foxy, Freddy, Bonnie
Toy Bonnie
Toy Bonnie
Status: Super good with the ladies a flirt, but a sweet guy.
Friends: Toy Freddy, Foxy, Freddy, Chica, Toy Chica,
Love Life: Mangle
Enemies: No one!!!