A Rabbit Hole Leads To A 700 Year Old Cave Network Used By The Knights Templar!
A Rabbit Hole Leads To A 700 Year Old Cave Network Used By The Knights Templar!
This could truly be something out of a Dan Brown novel, these secret caves have been lying dormant for centuries and now you can get a glimpse into a secret world
This could truly be something out of a Dan Brown novel, these secret caves have been lying dormant for centuries and now you can get a glimpse into a secret world
Are you ready to jump down the rabbit hole?
Things are not quite as they seem...
Want to go back in time? Take a trip to Shropshire, England, where you can visit a secret series of caves used by the Knights Templar as a hideout. This sacred space has been hidden for 700 years and was used by the druids after the Knights. But now you get to see it...
The Knights Templar were a severe Catholic Order who fought in the Crusades
They also appear in Dan Brown novels!
The hide out is about a meter underground and can fit dozens of people-an excellent hideout!
Seriously this place looks absolutely magical
You can see the entire cave system in this awesome video!
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