This Is The Story Of Sandwich The Cat, Who Is Also An Asshole

Cats; adorable and terrible all at the same time!

Sterling Holloway
Created by Sterling Holloway
On Jun 2, 2017

This is Sandwich the Cat. According to her owner, Imgur user BoogiesOogie, Sandwich is an asshole.

Here she is, harassing her Dad over a Jimmy Johns sandwich


Her Dad took Sandwich to the Vet to make sure she wasn't sick, and then he found out that Sandwich the asshole was going to have six kittens! So now BoogiesOogie is stuck with six extra cats that he did not order!

Seriously Sandwich? SERIOUSLY?


BoogiesOogie put out some nice cardboard for Sandwich to spew babies onto, but Sandwich decided to give birth right there on the comfy carpet. And the kittens? They don't pay rent, and they eat constantly, meow loudly, and go to the bathroom EVERYWHERE!

damnit Sandwich!


BoogiesOogie had to take care of those limp-nugget kittens with his own two hands!

He should take Sandwich to court!


The kittens are assholes too! They can't even take a damn picture right!

I don't know how you cope, BoogiesOogie.


Not only do the kittens not get jobs, but they've taken over BoogiesOogie's bed too!

In a minute you'll all be doing pushups!


Here's BoogiesOogie and his favorite asshole, Sandwich. They bite each other because they hate each other. And also, because they love each other.

Congrats on the Kittens, Sandwich!

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