What Era Elvis Are You?
What Era Elvis Are You?
Are you a young, hip swinging Elvis, or more Hollywood superstar Elvis? Nine questions and you'll know!
Are you a young, hip swinging Elvis, or more Hollywood superstar Elvis? Nine questions and you'll know!

Pick your dream career;
Pick your favorite Elvis hit!
Pick a signature item of clothing;
If you were in a band, who would you be?
Breakfast time after a night out partying-what are you having?
Pick a mode of transportation;
Pick a favorite sport;
Pick a destination;
Pick your favorite genre of music;
Hip Swinging Eraa Elvis!
Hip Swinging Eraa Elvis!
You ain't nothin but a hound dog baby-You are vibrant and full of energy! Regardless of your actual age, you are youthful and hearty and bring the party to wherever you are! You've got the moves to bring the house down! Remember to take care of yourself and make sure you give yourself a night off here and there!
Military Era Elvis!
Military Era Elvis!
You're the devil in disguise! You pride yourself on being upstanding and responsible; you know that often the hard choice is the right one. You don't shy away from big decisions and you know that you can make a difference--but hey, you're still Elvis so make sure you nurture your creative side!
Hollywood Era Elvis!
Hollywood Era Elvis!
Hey, don't be cruel! You're Hollywood Era Elvis! On top of your game you know you're the King--and you aren't afraid to show it! Make sure not to count your eggs before they've hatched and your natural confidence and charm will take you anywhere!
Old School Era Elvis!
Old School Era Elvis!
It's now or never! You are Old School Elvis. You may be past your prime but you can still tear it up with the best of them! And now you have the benefit of years of experience; you are wise and still know how to get on down!