Which Brandon Sanderson character am I?
Which Brandon Sanderson character am I?
Do you start the morning by downing a vial of metals, did some angry star deem you an Epic, or would you be most at home with a Shardblade in your hand? Take our quiz to find out which of Brandon Sanderson's illustrious characters you bear the greatest likeness to.
Do you start the morning by downing a vial of metals, did some angry star deem you an Epic, or would you be most at home with a Shardblade in your hand? Take our quiz to find out which of Brandon Sanderson's illustrious characters you bear the greatest likeness to.

Pick a weapon.
Pick an outfit.
Pick a tragic backstory.
My notebook is full of...
Pick a love interest.
Pick a metal.
Vin is the main protagonist of the original Mistborn Trilogy. As a scrappy, but seemingly very lucky, young urchin she was recruited to help overthrow the Lord Ruler by Kelsier. Kelsier discovered that she, like him, was mistborn and could use the power of metals.
Start reading about Vin in The Final Empire >>> http://www.orionbooks.co.uk/books/detail.page?isbn=9781409141143
First introduced in The Alloy of Law, Wayne is one of the major characters in the second generation of Mistborn books. Twinborn, Wayne came from the Roughs. He always provides a fair trade, collects good accents, and helps Waxillium keep the peace.
Start the second generation of The Mistborn Series and meet Wayne in The Alloy of Law >>> http://www.orionbooks.co.uk/books/detail.page?isbn=9780575105843
Shallan Davar
Shallan Davar
Shallan Davar is one of the main protagonists in The Stormlight Archive. Daughter of the recently deceased Brightlord, Lin Davar, Shallan tries to save her family from financial ruin by apprenticing herself to a great scholar and princess. Quick-witted and sharp-tongued, Shallan is a fantastic artist and is very good at hiding a secret or two.
Start reading about Shallan in The Way of Kings >>> http://www.orionbooks.co.uk/books/detail.page?isbn=9780575097360
Kaladin is one of the main protagonists in The Stormlight Archive. First encountered as a slave, Kaladin encounters many difficulties but his determination leads him - and those he encounters - to some very interesting places indeed.
Start reading about Kaladin in The Way of Kings >>> http://www.orionbooks.co.uk/books/detail.page?isbn=9780575097360
David Charleston
David Charleston
David Charleston is the main character in The Reckoners series. David was orphaned when the Epic, Steelheart, murdered his father. Ever since he has dedicated his life to studying Epics in the hopes of learning their weaknesses and taking them down.
Start reading The Reckoners Series and meet David in Steelheart >>> http://www.orionbooks.co.uk/books/detail.page?isbn=9781409139775
Hoid has appeared in almost every Cosmere novel, short story, and novella, including The Mistborn series, The Stormlight Achieve, Warbreaker and Elantris. He wears a series of disguises and goes by many names. It is promised his story will finally be revealed in the long awaited Dragonsteel series.