What Type Of Avatar Elemental Bender Are You?
What Type Of Avatar Elemental Bender Are You?
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Which power will you wield?
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Which power will you wield?

What is your favourite colour?
How would your friends describe you?
Which creature would you keep as a pet?
Do you believe war can ever be justified?
Rigorous planning or 'Go with the flow'?
What trait do you most admire?
Is the glass half empty? Or half full?
Where would you like to go on holiday?
Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?
Do you use your heart or your head when making decisions?
Do you trust experience or instinct?
What hobby would you like to participate in?
Who is your favourite character from the original series?
Which element are you drawn to?
What weapon would you use?
You are an Airbender!
Air is the element of freedom, You are carefree and intelligent, always looking at a problem through different angles. Like Aang, you are peaceful by nature and seek to protect and evade instead of face problems head on.
You are a Firebender!
Fire is the element of power. You are confident and driven, always following your ambitions. Like Zuko, you have trouble controlling your temper but even though you are volatile by nature, your moral compass shall always guide you well..
You are an Earthbender!
Earth is the element of substance. You are firm and reliable, your ability to keep secrets is unrivalled. Like Toph, you are stubborn by nature and will face any problems head on, determined to fight your way through any issue that crosses your path..
You are a Waterbender!
Water is the element of change, You are compassionate yet unpredictable.. Like Katara, you are gentle in nature, but can release great displays of emotion and ferocity when the situation gets too much to handle.
You are a Nonbender!
It seems you have not got the ability to master a bending form, but do not fear, you are courageous and logical. Like Sokka, you choose to believe in cold hard facts rather than unproven theories. It may seem hard to be a nonbender in a world full of elemental benders, but this is not the case, you can be a dangerous warrior, being able to master multiple weapons and skills to compensate for your lack of bending.
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