What God power would you have?
What God power would you have?
This quiz will determine the power you would have if you were a god during the times of norse mythology. What will you have?
This quiz will determine the power you would have if you were a god during the times of norse mythology. What will you have?

What is your favorite animal?
Who's your favorite superhero?
What's your favorite color?
You see someone getting bullied, what do you do?
What would be your choice of weapon?
What is your favorite activity.
What is your favorite sport?
Which of the following is scariest?
What is your favorite mythical creature?
What power do you want?
You have the gift of fire. You are aggressive and brave and you use fire abilities to defeat your enemies and any threats that may be in your way. You are independent and don't take crap from anyone.
You have the power of ice! You are strong but not too aggressive, but if it is needed, you will not hesitate to defend yourself or stand up for others. You use your powers for good, and usually make the right choices.
You have the power of lightning, you are quick and powerful. You use your speed to quickly take out your enemies. You are loyal and you will stand up to and for anyone.
You are a god of healing, you aren't very aggressive, you are more passive and don't like to fight. You'd rather stand in the side lines to support your allies by healing them.
Dark Magic
Dark Magic
You have the power of the shadows. Basically you use conjuring and evil magi to fight. You are dark and evil. You often put yourself before others, and you like violence, and destroying your enemies.
You have the power of protection, you have special abilities that others don't have, which you use to protect your allies. You are nice, generous, and often put others lives over your own.