QUIZ: Is Your Quarter-Life Crisis About to Smack You in The Face?
QUIZ: Is Your Quarter-Life Crisis About to Smack You in The Face?
Should you just crawl into a dark hole and die, or nah?
Should you just crawl into a dark hole and die, or nah?

You overhear two college kids at Starbucks talking about tonight’s bar crawl. What runs through your mind?
What do you take in the morning?
Quick: What’s a 401K?
It’s your birthday tomorrow. How you feelin’ about it?
Are you an adult?
What Friday night plans appeal most to you?
Which lyrics do you relate to most?
You just went on a really great date. What do you think about on the drive home?
What do you daydream about?
Which of these gives you anxiety?
Your relationship with school is:
What do you fear most?
You wouldn’t know a quarter-life crisis if it yelled at you, "HEY! I'm a quarter-life crisis!"
You wouldn’t know a quarter-life crisis if it yelled at you, "HEY! I'm a quarter-life crisis!"
Congrats! You’re a relatively well-adjusted adult who doesn’t spend their time obsessing over the past and what could have, should have, or would have been. And we all hate you for it. Now go away and enjoy your pleasant, adult-y evening with your sensible crockpot recipes and your reliable money-managing apps and your partner who you’re totally unafraid to commit to for the rest of your life. Also, why did you even take this quiz?!
You’re playing fast-and-loose with your quarter-life crisis.
You’re playing fast-and-loose with your quarter-life crisis.
Which is also known as just being nostalgic. Sure, you like to reminisce over ‘90s trends and early aughts music, and yes, you sometimes get sad about the fact that you’re no longer 18 with the metabolism or alcohol-tolerance of, you know, an 18-year-old, but you don’t let it get you down for long. Unless, of course, you’re thinking about budgets, or finding a full-time job. Then HELL, NO, YOU’RE NOT GOING TO GROW UP.
Your quarter-life crisis is basically Regina George.
Your quarter-life crisis is basically Regina George.
Spiteful, all-consuming, and totally upsetting. And, eventually, it’ll lead to all-day sadness, unless you get that shit under control, quick. Hey, it’s cool to spend your time staring at Timehop and Facebook memories, but remember that life wasn’t actually that awesome back in high school and college. You had insane final essays and constant homework, the oppressing feeling of being treated like a kid at all times, and no real control over your life. It’s going to get better, OK? We promise.
Hey, bud, you OK?
Hey, bud, you OK?
There, there, we know—growing up is hard. And your quarter-life crisis is weighing on your spirit like a 600-pound wombat. But don’t freak out, because just like your youth passed you by in about fifteen seconds, so will this dark little period in your life. Just promise us you won’t burn your belongings and move to Guam, OK? They don’t have Olive Garden in Guam.