Does your middle school crush like you back?
Does your middle school crush like you back?
Have a crush on that one cute boy, but don't know if he feels the same? Take the accurate quiz to find out! (For middle school girls only)
Have a crush on that one cute boy, but don't know if he feels the same? Take the accurate quiz to find out! (For middle school girls only)

Has he ever complemented you on your looks at all?
Has he ever talked to you?
How well do you know him?
Do you guys ever hang out?
Have you ever touched each other before?
Can you imagine a future with him
Does he seem to be interested in anyone else?
Final question, doe she ever try to flirt with you or impress you in any way?
He likes you!
He likes you!
He definitely likes you! He is very passionate about you and you should ask him out! You go girl! You guys will make a great couple. <3
He doesn't like you.
He doesn't like you.
I'm sorry, but it doesn't seem like he like you. : ( But don't feel bad! Go to him and get to know him more, and when your good friends you might be able to get him to develop feelings. If it all doesn't work out, there are plenty other people out there!
He kinda likes you.
He kinda likes you.
He likes you! But not alot. But that's ok, it can change. Try to get past that friend stage and it'll be just fine. : )