QUIZ: At what age will your life peak?

Will things be best at 18, 28, 40, or something else?

Created by Sugarscape (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 22, 2016

Do people think you're older or younger than your actual age?

If you looked in the Mirror of Erised, how would you see yourself?

Have you been/are you planning on going to Uni?

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

Which face makes you believe in a higher power?

Does the idea of getting older scare you?

And finally, how would you describe yourself?



You'll have (or have had) the TIME OF YOUR LIFE in your late-teen years; with no worries and zero responsibilities to drag you down. Good for you.



By your late twenties you'll be independent, financially secure, and more confident than ever. Things couldn't be better if they tried.



You'll enjoy things best when you're totally settled and secure with your life in your 40's. So don't worry, the best is yet to come.

The age you currently are

The age you currently are

It's THIS PARTICULAR year of your life that you'll always look back on as the time everything fell into place.

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