QUIZ: How High Are Your Anxiety Levels?
QUIZ: How High Are Your Anxiety Levels?
Are those just butterflies in your tummy or is it full-on panic attacks? Find out how anxious you are – and what you can do about it.
Are those just butterflies in your tummy or is it full-on panic attacks? Find out how anxious you are – and what you can do about it.
1. Your teacher asks you to read a piece of written work in assembly. How do you feel about this?
2. You’re paired for a science project with a new girl in your class. Does this make you feel anxious?
3. Your dad sends you out to buy some stamps from the post office but you’ve never been there before. Is this a worry for you?
4. Your friend announces she now has a boyfriend. Hmm, what's your first reaction?
Your mum has forgotten to sign that form you needed, and you're stressing. What do you do?
You're about to sit a well stressful English exam. How are you coping?
You're as cool as a cucumber.
You're as cool as a cucumber.
Shall we call you Elsa or what? ICE QUEEN. No stress here, thank you very much.
Everyone experiences anxiety some of the time, and it can be a struggle to cope with those overwhelming feelings. Most of the responses in our quiz are completely normal and ultimately manageable. But watch out for high and unrelenting levels of anxiety that impact on your daily life all the time.
A few nerves are good for ya.
A few nerves are good for ya.
Yes you're prone to a nervy b or two whenever things get stressful, but you've got those butterflies well under control pal.
Everyone experiences anxiety some of the time, and it can be a struggle to cope with those overwhelming feelings. Most of the responses in our quiz are completely normal and ultimately manageable. But watch out for high and unrelenting levels of anxiety that impact on your daily life all the time.
You're easily stressed out.
You're easily stressed out.
Woah woah woah, can we offer you a chill pill babes? Your stress levels are pretty high, so take some deep breaths and take things one step at a time.
Everyone experiences anxiety some of the time, and it can be a struggle to cope with those overwhelming feelings. Most of the responses in our quiz are completely normal and ultimately manageable. But watch out for high and unrelenting levels of anxiety that impact on your daily life all the time.
It might be time to chat to someone about your anxiety.
It might be time to chat to someone about your anxiety.
Everyone experiences anxiety some of the time, and it can be a struggle to cope with those overwhelming feelings. Most of the responses in our quiz are completely normal and ultimately manageable.
But watch out for high and unrelenting levels of anxiety that impact on your daily life all the time. You may find your anxiety makes you change the way you do things or limits your activities and who you do them with.
Are you controlling about things you eat, and the timings of activities you do? Do changes to plans make you extremely anxious and unable to handle that change?
“If you’re making choices based on feelings that you can’t cope or feeling overwhelmed and wanting to give things up, that’s a sign that you’re really anxious. And if anxiety is dictating every day what you can and can’t do you should talk to your GP about it,” says Sarah Wild, head teacher of Limpsfield Grange school for girls with communication and interaction difficulties including autism and Aspergers.